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Re: DB linux cdproblem

So i booted up the kubuntu and ran DB with that new cue that i reedited so that ALL filereferences are exactly like the filenames. Still it wont work. I then set aside the bat and proceeded with manual commands. imgmount told me it could not something something size geometry and ask for …

Re: DB linux cdproblem

Obviously the path to the images is different as well. Fix those and keep the case sensitiveness of linux in mind. Not sure i get what you mean by this. I assume dosbox internal handling of files subdirs etc should be the same regardless if the binary is a windows or a linux one. Dosbox is dosbox , …

DB linux cdproblem

i got a an installation on my windows-box of dosbox and I am trying to run a game now on dosbox in ubunto .... I have copied the dosbox.conf and just altered it so c is /media/whatever ... so far so good when launching DB its seems just like launching it on windows .... Now games that use imgmount …

Re: DOSBox roadmap

It quite simple ,,,, a roadmap. prefferable one without time limits ëlse there´ll be sloppyjobs ,,,, better to take the time and make the stuff right, ¨But back to the roadmap,,,, what are the goals .... betternetworking? PLz devs tell us your vision of dosbox and whats missing etc

Re: Widescreen on laptops

I found this http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=279&threadid=133510&highlight_key=y&keyword1=scaler I got there in regedit, mine was set 4. with the risk of having the laptop exploding in my face I changed it to 3. After when i changed res in windows to 800x600 and you name it res, …

Re: Widescreen on laptops

nah still cant get the GPUscaler to work and that is outside DB to fix. So its back to getting the DB softscaler to work again. It seems window resolution is not what getting sized to what you set to more to what is closest to some preset sizes. 800x600 get to that, 1024x768 but all above turn to …

Re: Widescreen on laptops

I´ve tried that ... get vertical blackbars left and right. I´ve found that I must enable GPUscaler in my catalyst control center. I found it to be grayed out (11.3). ATM I´m getting the latest (11.5). Perhaps the GPUscaler will not be grayed out after I´ve installed it. Sure this is a solution. But …

Re: Widescreen on laptops

Tried it but it did not do the trick. I asume you meant if my hard/software outside DB whould scale that to fullscreen. Maybe this box has that stuff I dunno. What I DO know is that when I change screenres in win say to 800x600 those vertical blackbars also apear. Seems my screen is only showing …

Re: Widescreen on laptops

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the configurationfile for DOSBox 0.74. (Please use the latest version of DOSBox) # Lines starting with a # are commentlines and are ignored by DOSBox. # They are used to (briefly) document the effect of …

Widescreen on laptops

I got an laptop with win 7 widescreen 1366x768. Im trying to get DB (0.74) to run fullscreen using all of the screen. Problem now is that i get two vertical bars left and right. I remember some other version of DB (something 0.6x) i could open DB in a window and literally stretch it like a …

Re: Windows 95 and DOSBox.

my 50 cents I have been playing a bit with having w95/98 in my box. my conclusion is : I DONT want have to "boot" it up when i need it. Booting means abolishing all that dosbox is .... switches internal commands etv... . Because when u guys are boot up from a img , You are really loading in the …

Re: changing memsize

collector : that was a little insightful ... saw a some more parameters to play with but not anything that would do anything for this... qbix : that sound interesting... when i was checking z:\ for the internal command i thought config was the solution. but i atm it only writes conf files. Im was …

Re: mount and cdaudio

the idea came upon when installing carmageddon : there is three choices small medium and large. for some reason the only time the cdaudio will play is when large install is done (to the best of my knowlegde). So I thought of tricking the game by copying the iso dirs (which is more or less identical …

Re: mount and cdaudio

now i´ve worked out how to make iso/bin + ogg with cuefiles and using imgmount. so that is NOT what im getting at. lets say i have a directory gameim mounted as d using mount d gameim -label blabla which is fine. now comes the problem... now I put Track02.ogg , Track03.ogg etc in that folder. How …

mount and cdaudio

now i´ve worked out how to make iso/bin + ogg with cuefiles andusing imgmount. so that is NOT what im getting at. lets say i have a directory gameim mounted as d using mount d gameim -label blabla which is fine. now comes the problem... now I put Track02.ogg , Track03.ogg etc in that folder. How can …

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