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The Crew Game Key Theft - Law Firm Commercial

in Milliways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQFlVchsGwA after watching this commerical im glad i got a whole ton of back catalogue of games on gog and humblebundle that can be played via dosbox/virtualbox seeing as how we've dropped off a cliff and service games (SErvice GAmes = SEGAs old name) being a thing, …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
I like to imagine the Grays gathered around a teletype expectantly. people would throw themselves at grays for interstellar travel to other worlds if it meant not seeing their neighbors again Hell is other people. hell-o wait why do we say hello then i mean you cant say hello without hell...? hi

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
The truth is that we are a message, traveling through the universe. The message is contained in our DNA and will only be readable at the time it is delivered. This is why the grays are probing peoples butts, to try and decypher the encryption en-route. So just remember if you are ever feeling down, …

Re: Make Windows 11 look like Windows 98

in Windows
Maybe there's something useful there: https://winclassic.boards.net/board/3/classic-theme-general Personally I think appearance mods are too much bother, and sometimes too invasive, especially if you're going for 9x style. BTW, Classic Shell is no longer maintained, why not go with Open-Shell ? …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
What version of Fallout 1 has a tardis? It's an extremely low chance random encounter, like the aliens and the Used Car Salesman that has the very OP Christmas Story BB Gun. I had the aliens encounter but never got the Tardis one despite two playthroughs. Interesting. your profile icon of netscape …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Well, this is more of a "modern retro" project, but I decided to make myself a new coaster for my desk. I've been using a dead real floppy with some feet stuck on it for quite some time, but it's seen better days. So, I 3D printed a floppy designed to be a coaster, printed and attached the Doom …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLOOmP6Q6Zk They Are Destroying Your Games - Don't Let Them why do i get the feeling emulators and VMs killed modern gaming? Dosbox/Virtualbox means never having to say goodbye to old classics like doom. you also have free software like FreeOrion crude but it works …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Physical copies of games will degrade over time too, so they’re not a much better alternative frankly. Even if they’re sitting on your hard drive or NAS, those could go bad and then they’re gone. I’m not against physical media here, just trying to show the realistic downsides from the perspective …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Physical copies of games will degrade over time too, so they’re not a much better alternative frankly. Even if they’re sitting on your hard drive or NAS, those could go bad and then they’re gone. I’m not against physical media here, just trying to show the realistic downsides from the perspective …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Physical copies of games will degrade over time too, so they’re not a much better alternative frankly. Even if they’re sitting on your hard drive or NAS, those could go bad and then they’re gone. I’m not against physical media here, just trying to show the realistic downsides from the perspective …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Physical copies of games will degrade over time too, so they’re not a much better alternative frankly. Even if they’re sitting on your hard drive or NAS, those could go bad and then they’re gone. I’m not against physical media here, just trying to show the realistic downsides from the perspective …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Like others have said, technically speaking, you never did really own the rights to any games, movies, shows, or other media you purchased in the past. Legally speaking, the mix tapes many of us used to make were, by the letter of the law, illegal. The thing is, none of that really mattered all …

Re: 3D games you would like to see in high resolution

in Milliways
Comanche (...) Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri It is interesting they somehow added glide and d3d support patches to voxel graphics swiv 3d. nobody commented on that :) maybe looking glass was ahead of its time, that and the dark engine added horror and suspense to the only two titles that used it …

Re: Make Windows 11 look like Windows 98

in Windows
There was an "article" at reddit about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/zvg37h/i_now_have_the_ultimate_win9598_theme_for_windows/ It involves WindowBlinds and new icons. And Classic Shell, the proclaimed universal solution to everything old-school by every "expert". Just like …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Command & Conquer 4 comes to my mind as the first example of this crap in games. I hated that game. It played crap, and it installed and ran even crappier. Back then I didn't have internet connection always available even. Since then, we've been going down non-stop as it seems. retro is in style …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Command & Conquer 4 comes to my mind as the first example of this crap in games. I hated that game. It played crap, and it installed and ran even crappier. Back then I didn't have internet connection always available even. Since then, we've been going down non-stop as it seems. your not wrong, …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2024-04-16, 10:15: At this point, the Xbox Game Pass and alternatives economically look like a better option well least they tell you upfront its a subscription like WoW where you pay to keep getting access

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