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Re: TerraTec Wave X Table

Eeuch... Well, we found us a theme that fails miserably on x wave :P So ideally, the best possible solution is to have 3 cards+DBs - a DB50XG for XG sounds, Roland SCC1 (or MT32 or equiv.) and a x wave as a third one. Now... Where to find a modern 3xISA board... :P The MB800H appears to be the …

Re: TerraTec Wave X Table

Very nice - very similar 'balance' of instruments to that of the SC55 and DB50/60XG. Is this a waveblaster type module? If so, then Doom E1M1 and the DN3D title theme are among the best I've heard of the waveblaster type modules.

Re: No CRT Emulation? Why!?

I'm pretty sure you could do this fairly easily with a compositing window manager such as Compiz on Linux, which renders everything via OpenGL as a texture or surface. It has all kinds of effects, including transparency and window warping - now you just need to write a plugin to do it 😀

Re: 387 Co-Processor, where can I find one?

Well it did on the 68k based machines, I assumed it would do the same on the PC, I was obviously wrong sorry. =/ Don't those Macs also have separate FPU chips? It's strange to hear that Doom would use the FPU. It's an integer oriented game engine AFAIK. Even most 3D games from those times were …

Re: SGI machines

Yep. I own both a Octane 2 and an Indigo 2 . For my final year project for my CS degree I wrote a cross platform, multi-threaded voice over IP program for both SGI IRIX and Linux - that was eleven years ago. It's cool to hear first hand experiences with those machines. They were so niche that few …

Re: SGI machines

Yep. I own both a Octane 2 and an Indigo 2 . For my final year project for my CS degree I wrote a cross platform, multi-threaded voice over IP program for both SGI IRIX and Linux - that was eleven years ago. All of the machines are extremely well made - the build quality makes even the best PC look …

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