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Glidos ID changes

What are the system upgrades that force the Glidos ID to change? Since I unlocked my first ID, I've installed just a new HDD, a new sound card, a DVD-ROM, and reinstalled the same operating system once, but the spinning logo has reappeared when playing with Glidos. Regenerating my old unlock code …

Re: Glidos & 3DFX Cards

Yes, you'll have 4 mb for framebuffer and 8 mb for textures. Actually, there are two models of Voodoo2: one with 8 mb and another one with 12 mb. Both have two texture processsors with separated memory banks. The 8 mb model has 2 mb on each texture memory bank, and the 12 mb model has two banks of 4 …

Re: Glidos & 3DFX Cards

Any model of Voodoo2 supports 1024x768 resolution in theory, but they usually don't have enough memory to allocate a double buffer + Z-buffer for that resolution, because they only have 4 megabytes for screen buffers. Let's make some calculations: 1024x768 pixels x 3 buffers (front buffer + back …

Re: Glidos & 3DFX Cards

Don't worry about the Voodoo framebuffer thing, it's technical stuff that Paul could explain much better than I did. You only need to know those details if you want to use a 3dfx card's native driver instead of the glide wrapper that comes with Glidos. Your Radeon 9800 Pro is powerful enough to run …

Re: Glidos & 3DFX Cards

Hi, I have played TR through glidos directly over a Voodoo2 card, without the glide2x.ovl wrapper, and it worked reasonably well but when the game tried to access the framebuffer for reading. Then I got an application crash because the game was looking for a Voodoo Rush framebuffer, which Glidos …

Re: Best OpenGL32.dll for Voodoo5?

Amigamerlin 2.9 Win9x driver comes with Glide2x, this is a suitable dll for Voodoo5, you should find it at \Windows\System\ folder. The problem may be with the card itself, there are many unstable samples of Voodoo5 6000 out there. Does it also crash when playing other games? I mean, …

Re: Psst. It's a secret.

Today I was compiling a collection of old glidos versions and I noticed a strange paragraph in documentation files of Glidos 1.05 to 1.07; it reads as follows: "If you have a recent Voodoo card or a Geforce III, then try going into the Glidos folder and renaming Glide2x.dll to something else (e.g., …

Re: Paying $10 for Glidos

I haven't dropped W98 support. I'm just delayed by ATI taking their time in supporting W98 on the X800. The v1.30 changes were problems specific to XP anyway. W98 support will be back. Ok, that sounds better. But, if I don't misunderstand, you mean that only X800 series were having trouble with …

Re: Paying $10 for Glidos

I paid the $10 for the unlock codes just a couple of months ago, but I regret having registered Glidos, because Paul has dropped Win9x support. Now my license is useless for newer versions of the software, and as I said before, it's been only TWO MONTHS since I purchased it, and I'm already an …

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