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Re: automount first CD-drive

Took a look at the links you provided, lots of usefull information. You seem to know your way around dos pretty well. Keep up the good work. I like to play old the older games takes me back to my childhood. I remember trying to do some programming with my Commodore 64. Lets just say it got old fast …

Re: automount first CD-drive

I understand now Thanks. I can see my method is not the way to go especially where the harddrives are concerned. I guess a batch file of some kind to autodetect the drives and then automount from there is the way to go if at all possible. I have searched the net high and low and there in no info …

Re: automount first CD-drive

So, When items get installed they should not be put like this c:\oldgames\moon but instead put like as an example c:\program files\oldgames\moon. Tried the program files way and got an error. How do you get around there can be no more than eight characters error when dosbox loads the info. Create …

Re: automount first CD-drive

I was trying to build something off the results of mount -cd and autowrite the results into the config so the game could be run straight after install. user could tweek dosbox as they saw fit but, they would not have have to worry about the installation of it or the game. Since I could not find the …

Re: automount first CD-drive

Like I said I am learning the system. I will explain what I have done so far. I have taken all the contents of dosbox and under a killing moon and combined them into one folder. Through installjammer I call the main install dir c:\oldgames\moon. I also point to dosbox.exe as the main executable. …

Re: automount first CD-drive

I am New here and am learning the system. Instead of going through all that couldn't you just write this in the config mount d d:\ -t cdrom mount e e:\ -t cdrom mount f f:\ -t cdrom mount g g:\ -tcdrom I know know dosbox would mount all it could but, it would still use the first cd drive it mounted? …

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