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Install error....

Hi I have Rayman but I can't install it via normal way so I tryed with dosbox, but I mount my cd like this mount E E:\ - cdrom but when I run the install then I get an error "Open write error". Is there a way to mount a cd with mscdex in read end write?? grtz. netolk

DosBox en Bat??

Hi there, I has maked a Menu in Bat. When I try to run it in DOSBOX it jams. Can Anybody tell me why? this is the code @ECHO off cls :start ECHO. ECHO. ECHO 1.Lemmings ECHO. ECHO 2.Pacman ECHO. ECHO 3.Prehistorik ECHO. ECHO 4.Prehistorik2 ECHO. ECHO 5.Exit ECHO. set choice= set /p choice=Type the …

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