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Re: Installing Windows 95 on DOSBox

There is a guide, and Win95 and sometimes 98 is possible, but at the moment it's not that useful since it does not have CD or 3D video card support. There's not much point in it for all practical purposes; It's only fun if you enjoy hacking things into operation or you like revisiting memories of …

Re: Windows 95 and DOSBox.

Jorpho wrote: As long as you're here, I might as well mention that patches to let Sonic CD run under XP are now readily available, if you're not already aware of them. I found that patch, but it's not really useful on Ubuntu 9.04 😜

Re: Windows 95 and DOSBox.

I sent ya Dosfreak's guide. Note that Win95 is not officially supported by DOSBox, so don't expect things to work (or complain when it crashes randomly 😜) I've found it pretty stable though. Good luck! on a sidenote, I got 98 to install and boot up once 😎

Re: Windows 95 and CDs.

ImageDrive from Nero 5.5 also works perfectly! The installation is a little bit tricky, but I did it! When somebody is interested how to - PM me! Nice! But does CD audio work? I've never found one that could, and that's what games like Sonic CD desperately needs. In update to this thread, I never …

Re: Hocus Pocus Problem

That may be the WinXP shortcut to rotating the screen, since Hocus's commands are ctrl, alt, and the arrows (IIRC). Maybe try remapping the controls to different keys other than ctrl/alt, and see if it still happens (You can do this ingame or with DOSBox's keymapper)

Re: Oregon Trail 2 Problems for Win 3.1

I tried this too, and I seem to remember the same error. I can't remember if I got it working or not, but one thing to try is installing different versions of Quicktime (Look up oldversion.com--they have some really old ones) and install, then see if the game will run. On a side note, the game runs …

Re: Windows 95 and CDs.

dosbox already supports cdroms natively, but i guess you'd like to access them through win95. Requires a good bunch of work. Is there some source documentation to look through? If not, which files deal with CDs/CD images, Red Book/mixed mode audio, and the boot command? And is there some docs on …

Re: Windows 95 and CDs.

:( CloneCD does work, but it doesn't support mixed mode audio CDs (Which Sonic CD and several other games I have need). Magic Disc fails to install immediately, so that's a no go. Any other ideas? On a side note, how "hard" would it be to get DOSBox to support CDs natively? I know a bit of C/C++, …

Re: Windows 95 and CDs.

DosFreak wrote: Magic Disc v1.05 Virtual CloneDrive v Both work in Windows 98SE. If those versions don't work in Windows 95 then download earlier versions of those programs. There is also a DOS program than can create virtual drives from ISO's. Thanks! Clonedrive works perfectly.

Windows 95 and CDs.

Forgive me for mentioning Windows 95--I know it isn't in the dev's priority list for DOSBox, nor is it supposed to work perfectly. Anywho, I've been having a heck of time getting a virtual CD to work. All of them seem to not be able to install, or fail once you try to use them. Is there a specific …

Re: Wii Port

Tested Tyrian (Doesn't need a keyboard :) ). Set graphics to lowest; First try, wiimote as mouse was working okay in the menu. However, when choosing an episode it crashed; Second try, disabled all music (via game's setup), and it crashed after clicking on new game. Edit: This seems to happen on all …

Re: Wii Port

If you use the bannerbomb, does that do any permanent changes to the wii? Or does it just allow DOSBox to run off the SD, and then act as if nothing happened once it removed? I wanna try it, but I don't want to hurt (or cause Nintendo to hurt) my wittle wii :) That, and I'd kill for Jazz Jackrabbit …

Re: RIP 3D Realms

😢 I will never forget them. Does anybody know what's going to happen to their older games? With the company dead, will they release them as freeware?

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