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Re: Doom Issues (well, issue)

Again, thanks everyone. It's working now; I got Doomsday. leileilol: I guess you read fast or something, prboom was what I tried in the first place, but again, it's working now and I've deleted prboom. However, I now have a different problem: when I play Ultimate Doom in fullscreen, well basically …

Doom Issues (well, issue)

I just got "Doom Collectors' Edition" in the mail yesterday (the Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom by Team TNT). What's happening is especially aggravating given what just happened with Zelda ( http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=16705 ). Long story short, it installed fine but when I try to run …

Re: Excel 2007 multiplication bug

Holy Monty Python! I never thought I'd see such an enormous bug from Microsoft! Actually, this gives me more faith in humanity because it means that the coders at MS are not androids and if MS made this kind of mistake I don't think we're ever going to meet Data, the T-1000, or the Oracle (as in no …

Re: dom (not that, sicko)

I've taken another look at zetafleet.com and I've read that other thread and I have 3 things to say: 1. I don't think it's a portal; what's it supposed to be a portal to ? the other sites? oh well 2. I would like to thank Mr. Snover on behalf of everyone for this forum, and 3. in keeping with …

dom (not that, sicko)

I just thought maybe I should let the people in charge of the forum know that the zetafleet link says "zetafleet.dom". The link takes you there, but it looks bad. This might seem like nitpicking, but it's on the bottom of every page, so, meh.

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

I didn't get a good computer until 6 or 7 years ago and the first one came with old arcade games on it, and we all know the only way to beat those is to play them until they break. I didn't get onto the Internet until 2 or 3 years after my first computer stopped working, and it was on the computer …

Re: debug.exe-- kind of

I already got that straightened out ( http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=16601 ); "set80x50.zip" (which is pretty good) and a reference to ANSIPlus (which I'd rather not mess with), but anyway as I said I'm not climbing the walls over that, or this for that matter, just my normal constant …

Re: debug.exe-- kind of

wd: I tried running my Win95 Debug in DOSBox and it gave me a DOS mode error (the same one I got for MODE as per my other thread). But if DOSBox: Debug Edition or whatever it's called can assemble, I'll take it (I wasn't expecting to write an IDE in assembly or anything, just get the hang of it, …

Re: debug.exe-- kind of

wd: I've seen that page before (though it seems I didn't fully appreciate it). Like I said, DOS interrupts. Win9x systems are coninuing to be prevalent and DosFreak posted something (I forget what and where) about DOS being done and Linux being a moving target or something like that and realizing …

Re: you're winner

anybody that doesn't understand what could be so bad about that game should find the review from X-Play (don't have a link handy; g4tv.com) not sure if the video is there, but I watched the review on TV and believe you me it's painful :depressed: (which has one L; not to be the spelling correction …

Re: debug.exe-- kind of

I knew about the debugger version of DOSBox but it sounded like it might be more trouble than it was worth. Can it assemble (or do you have a recommended assembler that will work fine under DOSBox)? Can you recommend a good list of DOS interrupts (I've looked with Google and checked out an old book …

debug.exe-- kind of

I thought I'd post this here in case it's n00bish and I can't tell. I just want to know about using debug in DOSBox; OK, I really want to know about continuing my experimentation with IA-32 (i386 base) assembly language, regardless of how useful or useless it might be; OK, I guess at the root of …

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