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(relatively) old PSU on a new card?

in PC Emulation
Sorry if this post is not very much related to the board's topic, but since I saw that post asking for new cases with new speakers, I thought I share my question with you. I have a new pc that I built, bought the best components of everything, or at least I think I did, except a PSU. I'm using the …

Re: Study of BioShock activation

in Milliways
Damn, ok. So I guess I now have a CD that I cant install, or wont install because of this crappy securom copy protection. Now, I think I'm gonna buy games with no copy protection at all, like galcivII.

Re: Study of BioShock activation

in Milliways
damn, i really wanted to play this game, but i dont want to "taint" my system with this securom. I've read, however, that antivirus software also "taints" your system too. Is that true?

Re: ROTT Setup in Win95

in Windows
Ignore leilelol, winrott works great! you just need to download this file, unzip it, and put the dll in the winrott directory. http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/rele … 1.2.8-win32.zip

Re: ROTT Setup in Win95

in Windows
or you could try an older version of winrott. Birger still has them listed on his page. I think one of those runs in win95. Ör you could try win98, yes

Re: ROTT Setup in Win95

in Windows
I wouldn't use WinRott. It breaks most of the game's features and adds more quirks than ROTT should. It ruins the game. (it's also non-Free Laughing Out Loud) Stick to the DOS version, it should run straight under 95 without a problem (usually). Good chance it's your sound card being the bane of …

Re: DOSBox and Glide

And besides leileilol, it may look to be available legally, but at those prices I doubt anyone's gonna want to go for that option anytime soon. =P Then they must not really want the game do they? Copyright infringement is still copyright infringement. Who knows what crazy shit could go down if lith …

Re: dos games with tcpip

in DOS
So, from what I get is that no dos game used tcp-ip for multiplay. And that id software was one of the first game companies to implement over the internet play with tcpip for their games, if im not mistaken. I'm interested in the subject, since I would like to play a few classic dos games, which …

dos games with tcpip

in DOS
Ok, this is probably a stupid question, but were there any dos games that used tcp/ip for online play? Since most of the dos games that had some sort of multiplayer feature used ipx or serial connection. thanks

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