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Re: The most misleading game intros

Delta Force 2 (Novalogic). Its intro is relatively non-violent, showing a team of Delta Force ambushing and arresting a bunch of insurgents in what appears to be a South American jungle. Yet the game itself, while not gratuitously violent, is indeed violent. An example is your character crawling …

Re: The PC parts market is weird sometimes

I'm frequently looking around on ebay to pick up good deals on old PC gear (I hate the terms vintage and retro, they're consumerism buzz words used to misrepresent the actual value of something), and it's interesting to see what some items sell for vs others. The most recent example, I was looking …

Re: What game are you playing now?

That has got to be War of the Lance! That's correct! :D I actually played the game a little bit late. It was a 1990 game (DOS version), yet I played it somewhere in 1992. Of course it felt very primitive compared to other games I played during that time, but so engrossing! How is it? I've always …

Re: What game are you playing now?

Could anyone guess? https://i.postimg.cc/V5W0NbFW/DOSBox-2023-04-01-22-41-16-87.jpg Deployment. https://i.postimg.cc/2VjbL8cR/DOSBox-2023-04-01-22-41-41-61.jpg Diplomacy. https://i.postimg.cc/rKhd1X3d/DOSBox-2023-04-01-22-42-53-60.jpg Attacked by enemy dragons. https://i.postimg.cc/cvrvTkGF/DOSBox- …

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